John Doe

Software Engineer

About Me

Innovative optimized solution seeker. Excited to be at the deployment phase of my new career as a web developer. I am ambitious, adventurous, assiduous, animated, and an alliteration advocate.


(912) 555-4321


Software Architect // March 2017 - Current

Semper Fortis Solutions, LLC, Leesburg, VA (Remote), USA

Maintaining and updating Savanna. This system maintains threat matrices and other deployment information for the US military. It uses Java and tomcat to implement a RESTful API which is connected to by the front end which is a web application written using the Sencha framework in JavaScript and HTML5

Junior Web Developer // Januari 2015 - Pebruari 2017

Free Software Foundation, Boston, MA, USA

The GNUstep project is an open source / free software effort to duplicate the Cocoa APIs on a variety of platforms. I have been instrumental in defining the infrastructure of the project and have implemented many key elements of it including the Gorm (Xcode Interface Builder equivalent) for the project. I have also begun work on a fork of the swift language for it. I have a unique insight into these technologies.


Bachelor - GPA : 4.0

Thinkful, Chicago, IL

11/2018 - 06/2018

BA, English - GPA : 4.0

University of California, Los Angles

09/2001 - 09/2005


Front End - Expert


Backend - Master

PHPSymfony FrameworkDDD


CV Generator

Open Source project, build a CV

Javascript Developer

Open Source project, a landing page for javascript developers from Indonesia